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Client Question of the Week: Taking Accountability Seriously

Read more This week’s client question of the week has everything to do with accountability. I was meeting with a client this week, and one of the questions he asked was how you handle a situation where you have an employee that is significantly underperforming when you had conversations with them, but it does not seem to be making a difference. Part of the advice I gave my client was to sit down with the employee and ensure clarity around their current performance. Until you have an alignment that the employee is aware of the problem and how bad it is, it is hard to hold them accountable. Once you have done that The next step is to ask them what good looks like to them. Once you have done that, you can ask them to commit to how they will get from where they are today to good. Dorian Cunion is an Executive Consultant that helps leaders develop business strategies and leadership. If you are looking to grow your career or business, and are looking for help accelerating your growth, visit

7 Ways to Reduce Work Place Anxiety

Read more Tips for Reducing Workplace Anxiety Initiate regular check-ins. Having quality one-on-one discussions can go a long way to improving communication. Establishing a regular schedule for discussing current priorities and checking in on needs, expectations, and wants can strengthen relationships and reduce uncertainty. Using a shared document to capture wins, obstacles, options, and commitments is a great way to ensure both parties are aligned coming out of the meeting. Be honest and respectful. The people you work with have multiple responsibilities, competing priorities, personal lives, and their own anxieties that they are dealing with. Strive to be clear, direct, and considerate in your communication. Focus on being candid about problems, but also do your best to collaborate on solutions. The better you are at helping the people you work, the more value they will see in you. When you are kind and helpful to others, they are more likely to mirror those behaviors back to you. Listen actively. Pay attention to words, tone, and body language. This is especially important if you are on a remote team. Ask questions to clarify and confirm your understanding. If you feel that things are not going well, be direct and ask. Assumptions can be dangerous. Always seek facts. At the end of conversations, summarize what was discussed to help avoid miscommunication. This is a great way to demonstrate that you care about getting things right and are invested in pursuing alignment. Be brief. Everyone has limited time and energy. Be considerate of how you use the time that people give you. Before you meet with people, take a moment to determine your purpose in the meeting. Writing down key points or goals for the conversation can be helpful. Demonstrate gratitude. You will not always receive the information you want to hear during conversations. When you encounter a different perspective or difficult feedback, show gratitude to the person for being candid. Then use the information to learn and grow. Anything that is of not of value to you, disregard. It is better to be aware of other people's thoughts and perspectives than to be mis or uninformed. Ask for support when needed. Be vulnerable and communicate what you need to be successful. Hiding problems is never a good long-term solution. When issues are not surfaced, they tend to fester and become more challenging to solve. Identify and communicate issues early, and seek assistance finding solutions. Seek solutions, not blame. Multiple people are typically involved whenever things do not go as planned at work. Quickly identify why things did not go as planned and identify ways that performance can be improved in the future. There is more to be gained from solving a problem than avoiding being blamed. The heroes of stories are not the ones that make excuses but the ones with the courage to name and take action against a problem. Putting tips into action Communication is vital for any successful working relationship. Following these tips can improve communication and trust within your organization. Now it's time to put them into practice. Start by choosing one tip you think will help you to reduce your anxiety. Then, plan how you will implement it in the next week. For example, you can Start holding one-on-one meetings Communicate an obstacle that you need help with Request training on a new technology that has been challenging for you to use Whatever action you choose to take, make sure you follow through with it and observe the results. You will be surprised by how much better you feel once you improve communication with the people you work with. Thank you for reading this blog Executive Coach Dorian Cunion Dorian Cunion is an Executive Coach and Business Consultant with Your Path Coaching and Consulting. He is a former retail executive with over 20 years of experience in the retail industry. He is a Co-Active coach who focuses on helping professionals, and small business owners overcome insecurities, knowledge gaps, and uncertainty. He does this by helping clients to tap into their values, recognize their strengths, and develop actionable strategies for growth. Have you been trying to improve your career or business on your own but are not seeing success as fast as you desire? Book a free discovery call to discuss your goals and how I can help you accelerate.

Every Middle Manager should have a Coach

Read more When I started my professional career, I had the simple goal of making enough money to provide for my family. As I progressed in my career, I began to see the positive impact I could make on others by creating a work environment that treated people with dignity and respect. I grew tired of executing the plans that other people developed and desired the opportunity to be involved in the planning. This drove me to explore leadership's definition and identify ways to climb the corporate ladder. If you are a middle manager and believe you can do more than what you are doing today, we should talk. I have been where you have been and know the roadmap to career advancement. I would love to help you clarify your goals, define your action steps, and reduce the negative thoughts holding you back from greatness. If you want to learn more, visit my website My name is Dorian Cunion, Founder of Your Path Coaching and Consulting. I am a Co-Active trained executive coach with 21 years of experience within the retail, restaurant, and franchise industries. I have held roles in marketing, recruiting, and operations. As a former VP of Operations, responsible for +1000 stores, and 10,000 employees, I have the perspective, framework, and knowledge needed to help you accelerate your career growth.

Executive Coach Dorian Cunion

Read more Executive Coach Dorian Cunion shares tips on finding a job. Job searchers should invest time reaching out to people in their network and letting contacts know that they are in the market for a new job. As an executive coach, Dorian helps middle-level professionals and executives with transitions. Whether those transitions are moving into a new role, looking for a new job, or changing companies. He is a co-active trained coach with +20 years of experience developing talent and consulting small businesses. To learn more, visit his website at

Every Small Business Owner needs an Executive Coach

Read more Every Small Business Owner should have an Executive Coach. Executive Coaches are valuable advisors that can help you to develop strategies to improve the profitability and operations of your business. You do not have to figure things out on your own. Our coaching program is designed to help you clarify your business goals, improve your business strategy, and commit to taking the actions necessary to achieve your goals. I have spent the last 20 years becoming an expert in managing people, expenses, and priorities. By bringing me on as an executive coach, your business can benefit from the knowledge and experience I have accumulated as a retail executive. If you are struggling to figure things out on your own and believe that you would benefit from working with a trusted advisor that can help to be more strategic, be more creative, and develop solutions that will drive more revenue while cutting expenses, reach out to schedule a free discovery call. To learn more, visit our website. #executivecoaching #businesscoach #smallbusinessstrategy Dorian Cunion is an Executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #motivation #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

4 Steps to Building a Personal Board of Directors

Read more Executive Coach Dorian Cunion shares why having a personal board of directors is important, along with 4 steps for building your board. You need a personal board of directors if you are an entrepreneur, a leader, or a professional who wants to grow and succeed in your career. A personal board of directors is a group of people who can offer you guidance, support, and advice on various aspects of your work and life. Talking with friends and family members about your work can be helpful, but depending on their background and experience, they might be unable to give you the perspective and guidance needed to achieve your goals. Like a company board of directors, a personal board of directors aims to provide the guidance and support you need to fulfill your career goals. The knowledge and skills you have developed to this point of your career have gotten you to where you are, but to move to the next level, you will need to develop new skills, habits, and behaviors. Many of your assumptions and beliefs may limit your ability to delegate, think long-term, and defer gratification. These skills must be mastered as you move into senior-level roles within an organization or if you decide to start a business. Having a routine of discussing current business challenges with a trusted group of advisors can help you to 1)Gain new knowledge and skills you may not learn from your formal education or training. 2)Get valuable feedback and constructive criticism from people who can challenge and push you out of your comfort zone. 3)Be persistent when you face difficulties or failures. 4)Identify partnership opportunities and expand your network with potential collaborators, clients, investors, or mentors. 5)Receive opportunities for career development or business expansion. There are four steps that you should follow when forming your personal board of directors. 1)Clearly define your professional goals. 2)Define the type of people you want on your board. 3)Define how you will engage with your board. 4)Show gratitude. Humans are a tribal species. We thrive in communities. As you look to progress your career or business, seek out a tribe that can help you grow into the person you are meant to be. We are the summation of our experiences. The more time you can dedicate to interacting with people that know things that you do not know, have experienced something that you have not experienced, and are willing to share their knowledge with you, the better prepared you will be for the challenges in front of you. We all need help sometimes. Be intentional about surrounding yourself with people that can help you achieve your goals. To learn more about executive coaching and how it can help you to achieve your professional goals, visit Your Path's website at For additional tips on leadership and professional development, follow us on Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

Why You Should Have a Personal Board of Directors

Read more Executive Coach Doiran Cunion shares why having a personal board of directors can help you to accelerate your career growth. To reach your full potential as a business professional or small business owner, it is essential to surround yourself with individuals that can help to challenge your current thinking, develop new skills, and look at your business from different perspectives. If you are looking to take your career to the next level. Take the time to identify who you want to be and what you want to do, and seek out experienced professionals who can guide you. Regular meetings with trusted sponsors, mentors, and coaches can accelerate your professional development. If you are interested in working with an executive coach with over 20 years of experience working with managers and franchisees, we should talk. My experience leading teams in the retail, restaurant, marketing, and franchising industries helped me to develop the skills and expertise to help you to accelerate your career and business growth. Learn more by visiting my website. You can all so find me at Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

Need a better business strategy

Read more As a small business owner, no one likely told you how difficult it would be to be successful. Over the last few years, you probably have worked hard to grow your business and expand your market share. Being a business owner is one of the most challenging things you can do. Your employees look to you for guidance, and your competing priorities can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to set aside time to think strategically and ensure that you allocate your time, money, and resources optimally. As an executive coach, I help business leaders to step back, observe what they are doing, and develop strategies to help them achieve their goals. If you are interested in learning more, visit my website Dorian Cunion Executive Coach Your Path Coaching and Consulting #strategy #executivecoaching #smallbusiness Dorian Cunion is an Executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #motivation #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

5 Tips for Motivating Employees

Read more The key to effectively running a profitable business is motivating employees to perform their roles at a high level. For employees to perform at their best, they must be intrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation comes from understanding who they are, who they want to be, and how their current role can help them close the gap. Finding intrinsic motivation is a deeply personal process. Still, it can be assisted by leaders that take the time to understand employees' goals and help them to see how their goals can be accomplished within their organization. Leaders that help employees identify how their work connects to their vision for the future can create higher levels of commitment and personal accountability. Here are 5 actions you can take to increase motivation 1)Be clear on the company's mission and vision. 2)Gain Commitment. 3)Secure Resources. 4) Monitor Performance. 5) 2-Way Feedback. Summary Employees join companies to satisfy their wants and needs. Leaders who can help employees envision how their wants and needs can be fulfilled through work can create employee loyalty and commitment. Committed employees will do everything within their power to support the success of an organization. To improve your employees' productivity and effectiveness, start by understanding why they're working for you. Then, help them see how their commitment to bringing the company's vision and mission to life will bring them closer to achieving their goals. To read more on this topic, check out my blog #motivation #executivecoaching #leadership Dorian Cunion is an Executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #motivation #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

Using Leaders Intent to improve engagement and effectivenss

Read more Leader's intent is an approach to leading teams that has gained increased attention recently. It originated in the military but has been spread into business by executive leadership training programs such as the one provided by Thayer at West Point and books like Leader Business by Thomas Henry Magness and Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal. The idea of leader intent is simple: instead of leaders attempting to think through every potential outcome and codify every step in a process, they set clear and concise goals and objectives communicate why a goal is important outline guiding principles define key deliverables empower their teams to make decisions and take action to achieve goals This approach provides great flexibility and innovation, allowing everyone to leverage their strengths and creativity to solve business problems. The days of business being simple enough for one leader to have all the answers are gone. For organizations to thrive, they need to leverage each employee's collective mind, heart, and hands. This article will explore how a using leader's intent can help you improve the success of your business projections. Female leader sitting at desk, team of employees working at a white board A New Approach to Leading 1) Aligns individual and organizational goals Organizations can deliver better and more consistent results when there is alignment between individual and organizational goals. The leader's intent process requires leaders to slow down and communicate purpose, desired end state, guiding principles, and key deliverables. This, combined with the brief back process, allows employees and leaders to confirm their understanding of goals and the plans for executing them. 2) Empowers and motivates the team Once the leader shares their intent, it is up to employees to devise a plan to bring the desired end state to life. This allows employees to leverage their knowledge and skills to craft tactics. Involving employees in developing tactics gives them more ownership of the plan. This extension of trust can give employees a sense of pride and a greater desire to put in the effort necessary for the plan to succeed since they had a hand in developing it. 3) Foster innovation and creativity Since Toyota popularized the kaizen approach to continuous improvement, it has been widely acknowledged that front-line employees often know how to improve business operations if given a chance to provide feedback on current operations. By increasing the number and diversity of perspectives involved in the planning process, organizations can fight groupthink and generate more and better ideas. The LeaderLeader'st process pushes decision-making further down into the organization, allowing for more testing of hypotheses. Companies can learn from different tests, share outcomes, and identify winning ideas quicker. As employees develop ideas, leaders can ask questions, provide suggestions, and support calculated risk-taking as the company pursues different approaches to actualizing the goal. 4) Improves communication and collaboration By delegating planning activities, leaders encourage more collaboration between departments. Instead of one high-ranking executive being the key decision-maker for how a company should proceed, multiple employees are encouraged to work together to align on the company's course of action. This encourages employees to take a more holistic approach to the business and better understand the interdependency of each department. By designing projects where stakeholders from different areas of the company must work together to accomplish a shared goal, more opportunity is created for employees to think globally, work together and get out of silo thinking. Conclusion Leader's intent is a powerful approach that can help improve business performance. It encourages leaders to clearly communicate business objectives, guiding principles, and key requirements to employees. It also allows employees to use their knowledge, wisdom, and skill to develop tactics and complete tasks. Motivation, innovation, and creativity are unlocked by eliminating micro-managing and allowing employees to be more involved with the planning process. As business continues to evolve and grow more complex, managers and business leaders must change their approach to leading teams. Command and control approaches are dying, and approaches like leader's intent are the solution for maximizing the potential of the talent within your organization. Dorian Cunion is an Executive Business Coach with Your Path Coaching and Consulting. He specializes in coaching services for managers, executives, and small business owners. For tips on leadership and professional development, follow me: LinkedIn Facebook If you are interested in working with me as a coach, contact me at Email: Phone: 804-220-5771

How you SET yourself up for success in a new role

Read more Starting a new job can be both exciting and stressful. To reduce your stress, having a plan for learning the information and building the relationships you need to succeed in your new role is helpful. As an executive coach, I work with clients on the SET approach. SET stands for 1)Study the environment that you are going into 2) Engage with key stakeholders 3) Teach them about you. Follow this link to learn more about the approach Dorian Cunion is an Executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #executivecoaching #newjobs #careercoach #careerchange

Defining your ideal job

Read more Dorian Cunion, executive coach with Your Path Coaching in Consulting shares the approach that he uses to help clients find their ideal job. It can be difficult to develop a career path on your own. By taking the time to define what your ideal job would be, it is easier to identify what types of roles you need to have to gain the skills necessary to grow into your ideal job. To start, it is important to 1) identify what needs you are looking to have fulfilled through your job. 2) define who you want to be 3) who do you want to serve 4) who do you want to work for By defining this criterion, you can put yourself in a position to identify the role that will give your personal fulfillment while also taking care of your psychological and physical needs. To learn more about Dorian's coaching approach, you can learn more by visiting Your Path's website at For additional tips on leadership and career pathing follow us on Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

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Clipchamp, Online video editor, coach, career, Career development, career path, executive coach, your path executive solutions, executive solutions, your path, executive coaching, goal, goal setting

5 Signs your employees are not aligned

Read more In this video, executive Coach Dorian Cunion shared 5 signs that your employees are not aligned with your strategy. When employees are not aligned with your strategy, you often see unproductive behaviors such as them pushing back on the direction you are giving, testing of limits, them ignoring your direction, defensiveness, and them undermining your direction. If you find yourself in this situation it is important to 1) name the behaviors you are seeing 2) listen to your employees concerns 3) demonstrate empathy 4) provide a win 5) establish expectations 6) nurture the relationship If you found these tips helpful, like the video, and subscribe. We are currently accepting new clients. You can find more information about Your Path Coaching and Consulting by visiting our webpage.

Alignment, Coaching, Culture, Leadership, Strategy

The truth around building resiliency

Read more This video by Dorian Cunion of Your Path Coaching and Consulting provides tips on building resiliency. Resiliency can be built by 1) defining who you are 2) defining who you want to be 3) being precise in the action you want to take 4) establishing accountability Dorian Cunion is an executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #resilience #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

Clipchamp, Online video editor, relisiency, coach, executive coach, your path, Your path executive solution, Executive coach, Coaching, professional development, growth, leadership, leadership development, emotional intelligence, build

Finding your motivation from within

Read more This video by Dorian Cunion of Your Path Coaching and Consulting outlines tips for finding motivation to stick to New Year's resolutions. Many times, people look for motivation from outside sources. The reality is that sustainable motivation has to come from within. If you are looking to make sustainable changes in the new year, you must start by defining who you want to be, and why. Once you are clear about this, you should set micro goals that you monitor weekly. By establishing micro goals, you position yourself to have quick wins that can create positive momentum towards the changes you want to make. Dorian Cunion is an executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #motivation #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

Coaching, Motivation, New Year, Resolution, Self-help, goals, Clipchamp, Online video editor, coach, executive coach, your path, Your path executive solution, Executive coach, professional development, growth, leadership, leadership development, emotional intelligence, build

Tips on effective listening

Read more Dorian Cunion, Executive Coach with Your Path Coaching and Consulting shares 4 tips on being an effective listener. Listening is a key skill that can help you be a more effective leader. Tip 1- Pay attention to the person that is speaking Tip 2- Avoid interruptions that could distract you Tip 3-Reflect back what you heard Tip 4- Ask Clarifying questions Dorian Cunion is an executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #listening #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

coach, growth, leadership, listening, personal development, Clipchamp, Online video editor, relisiency, executive coach, your path, Your path executive solution, Executive coach, Coaching, professional development, leadership development, emotional intelligence, build

Power of writing daily goals

Read more Dorian Cunion, Executive Coach with Your Path Coaching and consulting. Provides tip for improving prioritization skills. By taking time every day to write goals, people can better prioritize. This should be done prior to any other activities. At the end of the day, People should review those goals to evaluate how well they are focusing on the things that are important. Dorian Cunion is an executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #motivation #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

Clipchamp, Online video editor

4 Steps to better decision making

Read more As a leader you are accountable to a lot of different people. In this video, I share the 4 step process that I use with clients to help them make better decisions. Your values are what make you unique. For you to be fulfilled in the actions you take, you must tap into your values. Dorian Cunion is an executive Coach with 21 years of professional experience leading large organizations. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #values #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

Clipchamp, Online video editor, Values, coaching, coach, leadership

How I use the Co-Active model to help clients achieve their goal

Read more Dorian Cunion is an executive coach with Your Path Coaching in Consulting. Dorian received his coaching training from the Co-active Training Institute where he took classes on helping clients to find fulfillment, balance and synergy in their careers. He entered into coaching after a 21 year career with the world's largest franchise chain. There he held leadership positions in Operation, Marketing, Recruiting and Sales. If you are a leader in transition and are looking to work with an executive coach that can help you to develop strategies to grow your business or career, visit our website at For more leadership & motivation messages Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: #resilience #coaching #goals #executivecoaching

Co-active, Executive coach, business coach, coach, franchise coach, personal development

Starting Coaching conversation

Read more Introduction video for Your Path Coaching and Consulting.

Coach, Coaching, Consult, Consulting

The 3 steps you should take before you delegate

Read more Dorian Cunion of Your Path Coaching and Consulting provides three steps you should take prior to delegating. The steps are pick the right person, define the mission, and provide parameters. This video is a quick overview of a LinkedIn post from December 13, 2022 Link to article About the business My company's purpose is to help people find balance between maximizing their earning potential, building their legacy, and enjoying life. Whether you are looking to grow your income, be more efficient with your time, increase your risk tolerance, improve relationships, or be more fulfilled in what you do, I can help you to tap into your motivation, clarify your purpose, live your values and develop plans to help you achieve your goals. My coaching program is different than other coaching programs because it is grounded in business, marketing and leadership principles that I have used to develop corporate leaders and franchisees over the last 21 years. I have combined my real-world experience leading large organizations, and developing teams with the Co-Active training model to develop a personal leadership development program that helps business owners and emerging leaders define their personal mission, identify their vision for the future, and craft learning plans to help them to achieve their goals. If you are interested in learning more about working with me, we can set up a discovery call. Use this link

Clipchamp, Online video editor

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Wheel of Life

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