Moving Slower as a Leader is the key to Growing Your Small Business
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Moving Slower as a Leader is the key to Growing Your Small Business

Dorian Cunion of Your Path

Leaders often wear "busy" as a badge of honor in today's fast-paced world. But what if slowing down is the key to unlocking your true potential?

Taking a breath and prioritizing connections can make you a more impactful small business leader:

1. Make time to connect:

Constant busyness creates a barrier between you and your team. By slowing down, you make space for genuine conversations. Ask questions, listen actively, and show genuine interest in your team members' lives. Fostering trust creates psychological safety and builds a stronger, more collaborative team.

2. Recharge and Replenish:

 You are not superhuman and deserve a break. The relentless pursuit of "more" leads to burnout. Disconnecting from the constant stream of emails and notifications allows you to recharge mentally and emotionally. You'll return to challenges with fresh perspectives and renewed energy.

3. Sharpen Your Intuition: 

The constant hum of activity can drown out your intuition. Slowing down lets you step back, analyze situations from different angles, and capture unverbalized information. Seeing the unheard can lead to better decision-making and a more nuanced understanding of complex situations.

4. Foster Innovation:

 Creativity thrives in open spaces where ideas flow freely. When caught up in the daily grind, there's little room for fresh thinking. By slowing down, you create opportunities for brainstorming sessions, encourage diverse perspectives, and foster an environment where innovation can flourish.

So, how can you hit pause?

1. Schedule "Thinking Time":

We all need time in our calendars for reflection. Block off time each day to identify and plan what you want to accomplish. At the end of each day, reflect on how you spent your time, what went well, and what could be improved. At the end of each week, reflect on your priorities and how you spent your time.

2. Embrace Tech-Free Zones.

Create space in your day where you are not engaged with technology. Take a walk outside, talk with someone face to face, meditate, exercise, or do something else that has nothing to do with technology. This will allow you to vary your activities, tap into the analog world, and provide a respite from the hurried and frantic energy generally associated with technology.

3. Practice Active Listening.

 As a leader, you likely spend most of your time doing and telling people what to do. While these are important tasks, if you constantly pour into others, you will eventually find yourself empty. Be intentional about talking less and listening more. To listen to others, you have to slow your mind down. Try not to rush conversations. Harvest as much information as possible by observing what others do and don't say. Notice their body language. Be genuinely interested and curious to learn as much as possible when engaging with others.

4. Delegate and Empower Your Team. 

As you develop deeper connections with your team, you will better understand their capacity and capabilities. With this information, you can more confidently delegate tasks, knowing that your employees have the bandwidth, skills, motivation, and commitment to meet your expectations.

Remember, leading isn't about constant action. It's about creating an environment where your team can thrive. By prioritizing slowing down and connecting with your team, you'll unlock their full potential and become impactful leaders.

What are your tips for slowing down and building stronger connections at work? Share in the comments!


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Executive Coach Dorian Cunion

As an executive coach and small business consultant, I guide small business owners and business professionals in achieving their professional and business goals.

Whether you want to start, transform, or improve your business or career, I can help you magnify your strengths, minimize weaknesses, identify threats, and take advantage of opportunities.

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